Make an Environmentally Conscious Choice
Unless printers and clients care a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.

The inks we use are eco-friendly and deemed safe for children’s book printing, journal printing, art book printing, yearbook printing — really whatever printing service you require. The type of ink used in printing matters which is why MCRL Overseas Group is vigilant about only using lead-free and phthalate-free soy-based inks.
Paper Products
FSC Paper
MCRL Overseas Group encourages clients to print on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Paper stock. The materials we recommend are harvested and manufactured in a sustainable manner which supports the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
Bamboo Paper Stock
In an effort to reduce the demand for tree-based paper, MCRL Overseas Group offers bamboo paper stock options. Bamboo paper is being used increasingly by our clients as it’s:
- comparable in strength, brightness and printability to paper made from wood pulp
- harvested much faster than trees so a more renewable resource
- one of the few plants that can grow easily and return nutrients to the soil
- able to absorb four times as much carbon dioxide as trees and releases 35% more oxygen into the air
- more resilient to insects, eliminating the need for pesticides
- recyclable and leaves a smaller carbon footprint than tree paper
Bamboo usage also encourages economic growth by providing jobs in economically depressed areas.
Protecting the environment and helping struggling economies are just some of the reasons MCRL Overseas encourages clients and other printers to consider environmentally conscious options.
Learn more about our environmental focus.